Granite Countertop Install Warning
After over 5 years of marriage, I get granite countertops! I also get to see my husband’s granite install process first hand. My first thought is that I’m thankful for a desk job. The second thought is a warning to customers: If you’re fascinated by process, then you...
The Headaches of DIY
The assumption is that DIY saves you money, and just takes your time. As most DIYers experience, this time can be 3x or more than a professional. And unless you were skill trained, the end result will most likely end up in a lesser quality than a professional. Cut to...
Granite Countertop Care for Quartzite, Crab Orchard, and Bluestone
Tips on how to care for Quartz, Crystalline Quartz, Sandstone, Quartzite, Metaquartzite, Quartz Pebble, Metaconglomerates, Chert, Agate, and Flint.